Good Morning Fellow birders,

This morning our Ornithology class was out at Buffalo River State Park 
Not much warbler activity: Black and White, Yellow-rumped, and Common 
Yellowthroat were the only ones we saw. Numerous, Hairy and Downy  
Woodpeckers, several Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, and Northern Flickers 
were seen.  Woodducks, and Mallards and Canada Geese were the only water 
fowl. There was at least one Eastern Bluebbird, several Dark-eyed 
Juncos, Chickadees and Ruby-crowned Kinglets. Other birds seen included 
Am. Crow, Northern Harrier,Song Sparrows, Tree Sparrows, Red-winged 
Blackbird, White-throated and White-crowned Sparrows, a couple of Belted 
Kingfishers, a Brown Creeper, many American Robins and several Herring 


Fargo, ND
N 46?53'251"
W 096?48'279"

Remember the USS Liberty

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