I watched 2 adult Red-throated Loons from the viewing platform at  
Lafayette Square (31st Street, Park Point, Duluth) for about a half an  
hour this morning. The birds were initially less than 100 yards  
offshore and slowly drifted SE while diving and feeding. This  
represents the latest July date for this species in Minnesota. Spring  
migration of the Red-throated Loon normally extends into mid-June, and  
there are a number of late June and early July dates (see below).  
These two birds may be summering on Lake Superior instead of breeding  
farther north. It should be noted that Lafayette Square and other  
public access points along Park Point have been checked every day this  
summer, and that this is my only observation of this species since 22  
June (2 adults at the 12th Street access) and 26 June (2 adults  
between the Beach House and Sky Harbor Airport).

Except for a remarkable record from Murray County, 7 June 2003, and an  
undocumented record from Rainy Lake, 22 June 1963, all summer season  
reports are from Lake Superior, primarily at Duluth. Here is a list of  
previous Minnesota records later than 15 June.

17 June 1939 (one collected from flock of 15-20 at Duluth, Flicker  
17 June 1941 (several birds, Flicker 13:37)
17 June 1984 (2 at Duluth, Loon 57:39)
18 June 1984 (Grand Marais, Cook County, Loon 57:39)
20 June 2007 (Park Point, Duluth, Loon 80:20)
22 June 1963 (Rainy Lake, Koochiching County, Loon 35:85)
23 June 1998 (one in basic plumage at Duluth, Loon 71:16)
25 June 1975 (2 picked up dead at Duluth, Loon 48:15)
25-26, 30 June 1998 (one in alternate plumage at Duluth, Loon 71:16)
28 June 1993 (2 at Stoney Point, St. Louis County, Loon 66:17)
1 July 1991 (Stoney Point, St. Louis County, Loon 63:210)
3 July 1952 (St. Louis or Cook County, MOU files)
3 July 1981 (12 at Duluth, Loon 53:168)
8 July 1945 (3 at Duluth, Flicker 18:11-12)
8 July 2001 (4 at Park Point, Duluth, Loon 74:16)

Peder H. Svingen
Duluth, MN

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