Thank you for all of your quick responses about my question of flycatcher ID. 
The consensus is definitely towards Willow Flycatchers around the blind at 
Purgatory Creek. I forgot to mention that they kept returning to the 
surrounding willow trees to feed young. They kept coming out in the open for 
perfect views. I really don't think they were Least Flycatchers because of 
their markings and I didn't think Alders were very common in this area 
(although I did see them earlier at Hanrehan). I was pretty sure they were 
Willow Flycatchers but I still have some problems with IDing some of the 
trickier Empids. I was just out west and saw what could have been Dusky or 
Hammonds Flycatchers at 5,500 ft. in NE Oregon. They were in shrubs just up 
from a mountain stream. Both of these birds would have been lifers, but alas 
they didn't call.
Thanks again,
Jason Caddy
S. Minneapolis
j.caddy at
Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live Messenger.
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