This morning there was a flock of around 30 Tundra Swans that flew low heading 
southeast over Carver Park.  Some birds at Carver Park:
Yellow-rumped Warbler-12
Orange-crowned Warbler-9
Tennessee Warbler-4
Nashville Warbler-2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-7
Golden-crowned Kinglet-1
Blue-headed Vireo-2
Red-eyed Vireo-1
White-throated Sparrow-many
At Chaska Lake there were about 20 American Wigeon mixed in with Mallard, a few 
Northern Shoveler, and a few Gadwall.  Around the lake, there wasn't a lot of 
activity.  Besides a few resident sparrow, there were White-throated Sparrow, a 
Lincoln's Sparrow, Eastern Phoebe, and a Nashville Warbler.
The Chevalle wetlands in Chaska had 2 Lesser Yellowlegs and 1 Killdeer.
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