Average groups of Common Redpolls are found in many places along with more
groups of Dark Eyed Juncos. Along the road edges there are small groups of
Horned Larks arriving mixing with those that over wintered. Have also come
across Great Horned and Barred Owls in various locations which were calling.
Came across a Northern Harrier and more Red Tailed hawks are moving about.
The Bald Eagles are moving in in larger numbers and a friend did see 1 Rough
Legged Hawk. Also, Have checked out more Larch stands and did find stripped
trees but did not see any Black Backed or American Three Toed. Beyond this a
few Kestrels have been reported and a couple of Red Headed Woodpeckers are
at a feeder near Little Elk W.M.A.  White Winged Crossbills are still around
but it is getting harder to find them. I heard the Sax-Zim festival was very
good and I wished I could have made it. Hopefully next year.

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