Groups of Redpolls are still hanging out in the area. Some look like Hoary
(but aren't) and are light colored from feather loss (Redpolls have very
tight feathers for insulation and when they get into warmer weather they
pick off some to cool down which make them look lighter). Larkspurs are
showing up along with many raptors especially Red Tails. Harriers are
gliding everywhere and I saw one Rough Legged this week. More and more
Juncos are showing up and less Horned Larks. The Eagles are sitting on their
nests and the Blue Birds are everywhere. The Mississippi is low on action
because it is flooding in some areas and the water is moving very fast. I
have seen Common Golden Eyes, Buffel Heads, many Trumpeters, Canadian Geese
in larger numbers and a few Hooded and Common Merganzers. Tree Sparrows are
showing up and many, many Red Winged Blackbirds along with Grackles. Things
are becoming more active with birds calling in the morning. I think my Red
Shouldered Hawk is back because I heard a call but it could be the pesky
Blue Jay that uses this call to scare the birds out of the feeder. Anyway
things are becoming more active. SAND HILLS, BLUE HERONS AND KILLDEER ARE
HERE BUT NO OTHER SHORE BIRDS. Like other counties there is standing water

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