I had an enjoyable day traveling down from Ely, where it is still winter, to 
the twin cities area, where I could finally see some migrating birds.  While 
much would be redundant, I will mention my stop at the north end of Lake 
Vadnais (the road is closed to driving, but you can walk in).  There, in the 
relatively small patch open water, was a Common Loon; in the woods on the north 
side of the lake was a Golden Crowned Kinglet and a Saw-Whet Owl. 

On the way down,near Hinkley, I saw about 100 swans, 75 Common Mergansers, and 
a few Snow Geese.  In the metro, I found about 10 species of waterfowl this 
afternoon at various locations.

Kyle TePoel
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