I had a nice bike ride Sat. and Sun. into Richfield and Bloomington from 
Minneapolis, birding along the way. On Saturday I saw 41 species that included 
G.H. Owl at Roberts Bird Sanctuary and C. Loon and R.B. Merganser on Lake 
Calhoun along with a B.C. Night-Heron at Veterans Memorial Park in Richfield.


Sunday birding was even better along with the weather. I saw 71 Species. Here 
are a few of the highlights:



A. Redstart

Orange-crowned Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

C. Yellowthroat

Yellow Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler


N. Waterthroat

Nashville Warbler

I think I also saw a Louisiana Waterthrush. It was tail-wagging was more 
deliberate and in a circular motion, not bobbing. It also had a longer and 
wider supercilium and had a very white face but I didn't have a good enough 
view to confirm the sighting.


I also saw some great sparrows including Lincoln's, white-crowned, swamp, song, 
white-throated, chipping and the highlight of my day.....


There was a Le Conte's Sparrow that was skulking near the trail just to the 
west of the parking lot in the cattails on the south side of the trail. The 
bird ended up popping up and giving me gangbuster views for at least 2 minutes! 
I was able to see the fine streaking that extended all the way through the 
flanks and into the undertail coverts. It turned its head multiple times giving 
me views of the white median crown stripe. The neck was a grayish purple with 
distinct streaking. What was really impressive was the beautiful orange 
coloration on the face and edges of the breast.

Not only was this sparrow a lifer but it was the 400th bird on my North 
American life list. It took me almost 3 1/2 years to get to this plateau!


Good birding- enjoy the migration!


Jason Caddy



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