Would welcome discussion, particularly if others have experienced this tension.

Have spent 16 years birding (and hiking), frankly, for the joy of the experience. Joy is meant to be shared, so I also became involved in leading field trips the last four years. I also enjoy writing about birding (sure that comes as a shock).

This year had a number of opportunities to become involved in breeding bird surveys, point counts and administrative activities. My schedule (pastoring, chairing a school board and ministerial association, family considerations) is such that saying "no" was expedient - but, as I've reflected, the schedule was not the real reason.

Rather, somehow (not necessarily always on a conscious level) I felt that on-going structured commitments, focusing on data gathering (which I realize is a vital activity) might drain the joy, turning birding into a job, even a drudgery, a "have to".

And, on top of this, one hates to realize one might be living selfishly in this area.

Many of you volunteer or serve in paid birding roles - from BBS/point counts to conservation activities to MOU board work to Christmas Count coordination to whatever - how do you maintain the joy, the passion while doing so?

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties
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