A total of 60 species was found by more than 50 observers on the 
Duluth CBC on Saturday, December 19th.  

Three new species for the count were found on Saturday: 
Black-headed Grosbeak (east Duluth)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Leif Erickson Park)
Chipping Sparrow (W. Tischer Road)

Other highlights included:
3 Iceland Gulls (Canal Park)
2 Great Black-backed Gulls (Canal Park)
1 Snowy Owl (Port Terminal)
2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers
2 Boreal Chickadees
1 Varied Thrush (3920 Rehbein Rd.(CR 242)
1 White-crowned Sparrow

Record high counts:
672 Common Goldeneye
95 Hairy Woodpecker
744 Red-breasted Nuthatch
14 Brown Creeper
255 American Robin
358 Cedar Waxwing
678 White-winged Crossbill
287 American Goldfinch

Species missed that we normally find included Bufflehead, Northern 
Goshawk, Gray Jay, Snow Bunting, and Evening Grosbeak.

Thank you to all the participants and to Hartley Nature Center for 
hosting our compilation potluck.

Jim Lind

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