Another great question, Al!

I began my adult birding in MN by focusing on my State list, aiming for how
many species per year I could see. In pursuing a big state list every year
since 2002 I've realized getting over 200 species in a year involves quite a
bit of travel (and time) as Minnesota is not a small state. Since I am of
limited means (and time), I was considering new ways of enjoying the birds
this year.

Last year, I finally decided to get Avisys (birding software) and as a
lister I have to say it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

After transferring all my data into the program (which was quite a task for
about 10 yrs worth of listing - mercy on those who have even more!)

I can finally make sense of all the piles of trip lists I've created over
the years in about 1 second, literally - And now I actually know how many
Lifers I have (I didn't before Avisys), a humble 324 (from 4 states).

Now County listing is so easy this year I have begun to really key in on
it.  My goal this year is to beef up my Metro county lists, in Ramsey,
Anoka, Washington and Scott Counties.  So I guess this year the answer is
"county bird" for me.

Jim Ryan
Saint Paul's Westside
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and
beauty of the biotic community" - Aldo Leopold

"Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient
premises." - Samuel Butler

PS: It's hard to say enough good things about Avisys. Your ability to come
up with a list is only limited by the data you put in.  And uploading your
info to the MOU website is very easy and gratifying - all those cools maps
customized for *your* data and your own personalized county checklists is
great.  As you can tell, I highly recommend getting it if you are at all
serious about your 'listing', World, State, County or whatever. (I wish I
was paid for this endorsement!)

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Pastor Al Schirmacher <> wrote:

> Occasionally one's mind wanders at work (studying for the Easter message,
> hope it doesn't wander too much).
> At one point in my birding "career", I was most interested in life birds.
> Then, for many years, it became state birds (Wisconsin, then Minnesota).
> Now I find myself more conscious of county birds than either life or state.
> Which leads to my question (probably for listers only):  would you rather
> have a life bird, state bird or county bird (or some other kind of list)?
> Thanks!
> Al Schirmacher
> Princeton, MN
> Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties
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