I believe that I found two Great Horned Owls on nests along the interstate in 
the northwest metro.  In both cases I was going too fast and did not get back 
to get a better look.  both birds were in easy to spot red-tailed hawk nests 
along the edge of the woods.  

The first nest was on the south side of I-94 on the west edge of some woods in 
the corner of Dayton that is south of I-94.  This nest may be visible across 
the field from Hwy 101 or it may be too far.  because of its location it is 
probably only easily visible when heading east on I-94.

the second nest is east of I-494 between Bass lake road and CR-47 on a north 
facing edge of woods.  this appears to be on land owned by Prudential Insurance.

I will try to confirm the locations the next time I pass by these nests.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN

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