Hey all-

Anya Illes and I went into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness at
Entry Point 84, the Snake River, for a four-night stay, one night on the
Isabella River and 3 nights on Gull Lake, in Cook Co. A few brief highlights
- on the Isabella River we found a number of interesting marshland birds not
normally seen in the lake country areas. A pair a presumably-breeding
harriers, a bittern, swamp sparrows, a flock of red-winged blackbirds and a
single Canada Goose feeding on wild rice were nice birds at the first
campsite. The Snake River itself had a boggy area with Yellow-bellied
Flycatcher and Gray Jays.

On the portage from Bald Eagle Lake toward Gull lake we found two Boreal
Chickadees at the east end, which was a highlight for me. Despite a number
of trips into the BWCA, I hadn't birded much bogland there, so this was a
nice find. The birds were in a boggy area on the stream between the two

On Bald Eagle Lake and again on Gull Lake we saw single Bonaparte's Gulls,
also a nice treat in the BWCA.

To my surprise we also picked up a few migrating shorebirds. A few Least
Sandpipers were heard on Gull Lake, and while passing a little too close to
shore for comfort on our way out of Bald Eagle Lake back down the Isabella
River, I saw two Baird's Sandpipers at close range on the rocky shore. A few
Spotties rounded out the list.

Warbler-wise it was, as expected, very slow. Nashville Warblers and
Yellow-rumps were still feeding babies. On one nice morning we heard a
Northern Waterthrush singing, and a single Northern Parula. There were
yellowthroats in the marshes at the Isabella River. So look to points south
for your warblers!

Jesse Ellis

Jesse Ellis
Madison, Dane Co, WI

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