Jonathan Franzen, A Reporter at Large, "Emptying the  Skies," The New 
Yorker, July 26, 2010, p. 48 
ABSTRACT: A REPORTER AT LARGE about the  annual decimation of migratory 
birds by hunters and poachers in southern Europe.  Writer accompanies members 
of the German bird-protection organization the  Committee Against Bird 
Slaughter (CABS) as they challenge songbird trapping  operations in Cyprus. 
Blackcaps, one of Europe’s most common warblers, are the  traditional national 
delicacy on Cyprus, where they’re known as  ambelopoulia. They are the main 
target of Cypriot trappers, but the  by-catch of other species is enormous: 
rare shrikes, other warblers, larger  birds like cuckoos and golden orioles, 
even small owls and hawks. On the island,  all forms of songbird trapping have 
been criminal offenses since 1974. By the  mid-nineties, as many as ten 
million songbirds a year were being killed in  Cyprus. To meet the restaurant 
demand, traditional lime-stick trapping had been  augmented by large-scale 
netting operations, and the Cypriot government, which  was trying to clean up 
its act and win membership in the European Union, cracked  down hard on the 
netters. By 2006, the annual take had fallen to around a  million. In the 
past few years, however, with Cyprus now a member of the E.U.,  the number of 
active trapping sites is rising. Tells about an altercation  between CABS 
staff and local residents. Writer travels to Malta, the most  savagely 
bird-hostile place in Europe. The Maltese shoot bee-eaters, hoopoes,  golden 
orioles, shearwaters, storks, and herons. Maltese hunters, who argue that  the 
country is too small to make a meaningful dent in European bird populations,  
fiercely resent what they see as foreign interference in their “tradition.”  
Writer travels with Tolga Telmuge, a former Greenpeace director who 
campaigns  against illegal hunting in Malta and interviews Joseph Perici 
of the  national hunter’s organization. Considers whether Maltese hunting 
activities can  be accurately described as a “culture” or “tradition.” 
Tells about bird poaching  in Italy, where a restrictive hunting law was passed 
in 1992. It is impossible  to know how many birds are shot in Italy. It is a 
crucial migratory flyway.  Banded birds have been recovered there from 
every country in Europe,  thirty-eight countries in Africa, and six in Asia. 
Writer interviews Fulco  Pratesi, a former big-game hunter who founded W.W.F. 
Italy and who now considers  hunting “a mania.” Also interviews Franco Orsi, 
a senator from Silvio  Berlusconi’s party who has proposed a law to 
liberalize the use of decoys and  expand the times and places in which hunting 
permitted. Tells about the work  of Anna Giordano, an activist who helped 
suppress the poaching of honey buzzards  at the Strait of Messina. Describes 
eating ambelopoulia at a restaurant  in Cyprus. Briefly discusses the life and 
beliefs of St. Francis of  Assisi.
Al Batt

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