We didn't have a Tower report for July since we were birding in Colorado. We 
are a little late on reporting the August "Tower report".
   We had 56 species that we had seen.
    1. E.W. Pewee
    2. Tree Swallow
    3. Barn Swallow
    4. N. Cardinal  
    5. Am. Crow
    6. W.B. Nuthatch
    7. Gray Catbird
    8. Am. Robin
    9. House Wren
   10. B.C. Chickadee
   11. House Finch
   12. Mourning Dove
   13. Green Heron
   14. Song Sparrow
   15. Chipping Sparrow
   16. Am. Goldfinch
   17. D.C. Cormorant
   18. Red-bellied WP
   19. Blue Jay
   20. Downy WP
   21. Baltimore Oriole
   22. B.G. Gnatcatcher
   23. N. Flicker
   24. Canada Goose
   25. Red-winged Blackbird
   26. R.B. Grosbeak
   27.C. Grackle
   28. Hairy WP
   29. Yellow Warbler
   30. RN Pheasant
   31. RT Hummingbird
   32. Cedar Waxwing
   33. Common Yellowthroat
   34. Am. Redstart
   35. Bald Eagle
   36. E. Bluebird
   37. R.B Gull
   38. E. Starling
   39. Mallard
   40. Am. Pelican
   41. E. Phoebe
   42. Lincoln's Sparrow
   43. Yellow-throated Vireo
   44. Wild Turkey
   45. Rock Pigeon
   46. Purple Martin
   47. House Sparrow
   48. Brown Thrasher
   49. Great-crested Flycatcher
   50. GB Heron
   51. Red-tailed Hawk
   52. Turkey Vulture
   53. Great Egret
   54. Chestnut-sided Warbler
   55. Philadelphia Vireo
   56. Warbling Vireo

      Paul & Koni Fank

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