Arrivals this morning were Ruddy Duck, Turkey Vulture, and Fox Sparrow. The
only Tundra Swans still around are along Cty. Rd. 51 north of Hwy. 212. There
weren't that many geese around either, but there were plenty of ducks. I
tried to do a more accurate count of duck totals yesterday along 150th St. and
got around 1400. This morning there were similar numbers or more along 150th
St. compared to yesterday. A few more Shoveler were around, and some variety
showed up to Chevalle wetlands overnight(though not many since it's still
mainly frozen) with Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaup, Common Goldeneye, and
Hooded Merganser. The good spring for Rusty Blackbird continues with 4
hanging out at Carver Park's Lowry Nature Center. Around 20 were in a flock
along Salem Ave. yesterday.
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