This morning at Kunkel WMA in southern Mille Lacs County:

* Lawrence's Warbler (Golden-winged/Blue-winged backcross)

* Possible Brewster's (GW/BW hybrid)

The Lawrence's was present at the end of the first woods, about 15 minutes walk in. It was singing a slightly off Golden-winged song.

The possible Brewster's was in its usual location, about 10 minutes walk in, at the beginning of the first woods. It sings a 6-7 note call, 5-6 accented syllables, stronger than Golden-winged but not as harsh as the Blue-winged's concluding note, then the last note is a hard trill. Have heard variants of this song from Brewster's in the past at Blue Hill Trail in Sherburne, so didn't think much of it in past encounters. However, observations of the bird this morning showed the classic Golden-winged single wing panel - rather than the double yellow wing bars that Sibley shows, or that I've seen before. Wondering if it may have learned its song from a Brewster's, or if the genetic mix isn't real strong, or...? Open to suggestions.

Also enjoyed Whip-poor-wills at Ann Lake/Sand Dunes, Sherburne County last evening.

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties
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