NOTE DATE CHANGE!  (because I probably screwed up)

The MRVAC field trip to Cannon River Bottoms (near Red Wing) will be held
on Saturday June 16th starting at 7am.  Come hike a little known state
forest trail near Red Wing. Bring bug spray,  water, snacks, hat and bug
spray.  Reliable target birds include Wood Thrush, Ovenbird, Acadian
Flycatcher, and Cerulean Warbler.

Directions:  Heading toward Red Wing on Hwy 61 you will go down a long
curving hill.  Turn left at CR46 (the first interesection after the turn
for Teasure Island Casino).   After the turn, take the right fork
(Collischan Rd).  After a mile or two, you will pass two houses and the
road will fork.  Take the left fork and park.

Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN

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