Traveled to Agassiz NWR on the 6th.  Saw the pair of Magpies with at least 2
and more likely 3 or 4 young at the Refuge headquarters.  I¹m sure this has
been reported I just don¹t  remember seeing it.  The young birds mostly hang
out in the ash trees while the adults forage about the grounds.   I saw
other Magpies occasionally in other places on or near the refuge.   Many
Black-billed Cuckoos can be heard behind the building but I failed to see
any.  Elsewhere  I saw 2 American Bitterns and 1 Least Bittern, both at the
Farmes Pool.  Also Black Terns and Yellow-headed Blackbirds were well
represented at the same location.
A brief stop at Tamarack NWR on the way back yielded Golden-winged Warbler,
Broad-winged Hawk,  Pine Warbler and Raven (Raven also at Agassiz).
Finally, this evening I saw a Swaison¹s Hawk along Hwy 55 about 1/4 mi east
of the junction with Hwy 42 in Dakota County.


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