I had a good morning today in the same places.  Better weather, not quite as
many birds.

I did see and hear two Henslow's Sparrows near #31, several Sedge Wrens past
that.  Bobolinks were after the big hill on #26.  I think I heard a Western
Meadowlark just past them.

Over between #14 and #15 I heard (but did not see) the Hooded Warbler.
(The call was almost identical to the tapes I had on my Blackberry).
Ovenbirds heard on the road going in.  

Chipping, Field and Song Sparrows, Tree Swallows.  No herons, hawks, eagles
or vultures -- maybe too early in the day.

-----Original Message-----
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Ben Harste
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 11:04 PM
Subject: [mou-net] (Long) Weekend Birding

Have had some fun birding over the past weekend or so.

Last Friday my mom and I walked at Nine Mile Creek to the end of the path on
the advice of another birder and found Prothonotary Warblers in the ponds
that surrounds both sides of the path before the end of the path at the
river.  There was a male Prothonotary singing and later we saw a female
Prothonotary entering and exiting a nesting site with nesting material in a
dead tree near the path!


Nine Mile Creek is in Bloomington, Hennepin County and is the same birding
area where the Hooded Warbler was seen over the last week.

And then today I went to Murphy-Hanrehan in Scott County this afternoon and
unfortunately discovered how hot it was today.  I was in the southern part
of the park and walked from trail markers 29-30-31-32-33-28 and then back to
the parking lot at 29.  Some highlights included 2 male Bobolinks, 7+
Henslow's Sparrows (singing, only one seen), many singing Sedge Wrens, and a
Field Sparrow with 3 fledglings.

The most interesting part was hearing a probable Le Conte's Sparrow.  There
has been a Le Conte's reported in this area on eBird 3 times in the past few
weeks so I was keeping an ear for it.  I heard what I am 80-90% sure was the
Le Conte's Sparrow singing just north Trail Marker 28 near the area where
grassland and marsh meet together.  I did not see it, unfortunately.
Previous reports of it on June 11th and 16th had been just east of Trail
Marker 31, but today I heard it straight west from Trail Marker 31 about
where the path turns south toward #28.  A map with the trail markers is

Also saw a pair of Common Loons with what looked like a young Loon between
them on Hanrehan lake.  They were visible from the road exiting the park.

Ben Harste
Bloomington, MN

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