14 birders participated in the MOU Birding Weekend to Grand Mar

14 birders participated in the MOU Birding Weekend to Grand Marais, MN.  Before 
I mention the list of birds the group observed during our weekend, I would like 
to thank a few people who helped our group get on some of the birds we 
observed.  First of all, I would like to thank Tony Hertzel and Peder Svingen 
for texting me through out the day and sharing their sightings, especially the 
Cassin's Kingbird they relocated in Grand Marais.  I also want to thank Kim 
Eckert of Minnesota Birding Weekends.  Kim and I were calling each other over 
the weekend sharing sightings and especially the Townsend Solitaire and Hoary 
Redpolls sightings.  I also want to thank my childhood friend, Tim Viche for 
calling me up and reporting the Chat he found in his yard but most of all thank 
you ATT&T for providing cell service in Grand Marais.. ( - :

The weekend was mostly cloudy with light winds from the east and temps hovering 
around 40-42 degrees.  On Saturday there were some showers of snow and some 
light snow this morning.  I personally believe all the known and unknown 
birdinglocations along thenorth shore was visited by birders over the weekend.  
I was sadden that no one spotted any rare birds that might of been 
hurricanerelated like a Dovekie, Purple Sandpiper or a Common Eider.  What was 
interesting to note was the Shoreline Hotel & East Bay Hotel in Grand Marais 
were booked with no rooms avail.  East Bay managers reported to me "all the 
rooms were sold out due to some bird watching event" and the Shoreline Hotel 
were giving discounts beyond slow time discounts to birders who lodged there!! 
The restaurants and bars were filled with birders and I am pretty sure Grand 
Marais businesses took notice of all the birders in town and the profits they 
made!  There were at least 50+ birders
 roaming the streets and avenues of Grand Marais observing the Cassin's 
Kingbird and the Northern Mockingbird Saturday afternoon! 

Highlights seen by the MOU Group:

Long-tailed Ducks:  Hovland Boat Launch, Paradise Beach, 5 mile Rock, Cadunce 
Creek and Cascade River. 

White-winged Scoter: 2 at Paradise Beach east of Grand Marais along Hwy. 61.

Red-bellied Woodpecker: Grand Marais at St. John's Catholic Church area.
Cassin's Kingbird: Grand Marais along 2nd Ave & 2nd Street but it roams to 3rd 
ave and 3rd Street. The kingbird was actively feeding on insects on residential 

Northern Shrike: 2 seen at the Castle Danger sewage ponds.
Mountain Bluebird (female): Originally discovered by Peder Svingen. Seen in Two 
Harbors along the waterfront frontage road just east of the Edna G tug boat 
Townsend Solitaire: Found by Kim Eckert's MBW at 4478 Opel's Rental Cabins on 
the Croftville Rd 2 miles east of Grand Marais off Hwy. 61.

Gray Catbird: Grand Marais along 3rd Ave and 2nd Street.
Northern Mockingbird: Grand Marais along 3rd Ave and 2nd Street.
Bohemian Waxwings: Grand Marais along the corner of Hwy 61 and 3rd Ave.
Yellow-breasted Chat:  Found by Tim Viche of Duluth.  The Chat was seen by many 
birders all day today in Tim's backyard at 715 East 8th Street.
Pine Grosbeak: Two Harbors light house.

Common Redpolls: migrating down the north shore on both Saturday and Sunday.  
Seen several flocks on Birch trees foraging.
Hoary Redpoll: Found by Kim Eckert's MBW at the Lutsen Sea Villas on the east 
side of the office building.
Snow Bunting: Many flocks along the north shore

* Pine Marten along CR 7 in Grand Marais!!

Birds missed but reported to me was a Harlequin Duck found by Tony and Peder at 
Artist Point in Grand Marais on 11/3 and I believe no one reported seeing it 
since despite a lot of trying.

After the trip ended I joined Peder Svingen to do some gull watching at the 
Superior Entry Way.  We spotted 2 adults, 1 2nd cycle and 1 first cycle 
Thayer's Gull on the Minnesota side of the Superior Entry.  We also ran into 3 
of my participants who stopped at Bayfront Park in Duluth and saw the hybrid 
Ross's Goose along with the two juvenile White-fronted Goose and the Cackling 
Goose.  So despite all the people setting up the Christmas lights in the park 
the geese are not bothered by the commotion.  

I also got a report from Andy Nyhus that he along with John Hockema, Alex 
Watson and Dave Bartkey they found and photographed a female Spruce Grouse at 
Iona's Beach just north of Gooseberry Falls along Lake Superior.  I saw the 
photos and I am amazed that a Spruce Grouse found its way so far from its 
normal range along the shore of Lake Superior! Great sighting guys! 

** My next MOU birding even is January 5, 2013 Gull Workshop.  I have 7 people 
signed up and I am asking for a $25 fee to off set the cost of purchasing bags 
of bread for chumming.  I will help birders learn to identify and age various 
gulls like Herring, Thayer's, Iceland and Glaucous Gulls.  If interested please 
reply to me.

** The other MOU event is January 19th field trip to Sax-Zim Bog to observe 
winter birds and owls. This field trip is free to all participants who want to 
join me for a day of birding in Sax-Zim Bog. I currently have 14 people signed 

** I am planning on leading/organizing a few other MOU field trips in Minnesota 
in 2013 and I'll keep you all posted when its time to announce some free 
birding weekends.


Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota

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