Hi everyone,  Gene Bauer and I birded around Rice County for a couple of hours 
this afternoon and our first stop was Maple Lawn Cemetery in Faribault. The 
first bird I spotted was perched about 30 feet above our heads and I wondered 
what it could be as it was so white. Getting on it, I saw it was a redpoll and 
I immediately looked at the vent area which had no markings at all. I also 
noticed the streaking on the flanks was much fainter, and had absolutely none 
of the dirty wash that Common Redpolls have. Gene commented on how white the 
facial area and cheeks were. We viewed the bird for about 40 seconds before it 
flew off with a group of Common Redpolls. This bird was considerably more white 
than the rest of the group in flight.   Also of note was a Golden-crowned 
Kinglet, which I get overwintering here usually. Good birding! Dave 
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