Around 1:00 pm this afternoon, I observed an adult Great Black-backed Gull on Black Dog Lake near the west outflow. It had a very dark mantle, dull pink legs, an unstreaked nape and was larger than nearby Herring Gulls. An eagle spook all of the gulls off and the Great Black Backed didn't immediately return but I only waited around a few minutes. The American Golden Plover reported yesterday by Conny Brunell at this location was also still present. See her post yesterday for directions.

Poorly digiscoped picture of the Great Black-backed Gull.

Other interesting birds -
Rough-legged Hawk  -  1 hovering over the Long Meadow Lake marsh complex
American White Pelican - 1 on Black Dog Lake
American Black Duck - 2 on Black Dog Lake
Great Blue Heron - 3 standing together on a sunny bank of the Minnesota River, apparently just enjoying the warmth because they were about 10 feet away from the water, 1 on Black Dog Lake.


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