Three pine grosbeaks were sitting in a tree top along CR 4, ju
Hi All,

Three pine grosbeaks were sitting in a tree top along CR 4, just before the 
turn to go south into Sand Dunes State Forest, east of Orrock about 10:00 this 

A red-shouldered hawk was at the south end of Little Elk Lake along CR 1 (SE 
part of the refuge) at 10:30 this morning.  Two birds were seen in this spot 
during our Christmas Bird Count on December 22.  One bird has been seen in this 
area several times since then.

A Townsend's solitaire was along the Ann Lake Campground Road, south and east 
of Orrock this morning.  Go south from Orrock on CR 5 for one mile, and then 
turn east on the Ann Lake Campground Road.  There is a small parking area on 
the south side of the road with a big, yellow gate at the head of the trail.  
The solitaire can often be seen sitting in a large deciduous tree out in the 
open on the south side of the road adjacent to this trail.

A large flock of redpolls were along CR 3, just east of its junction with CR 5 
this morning - north end of the refuge.

A barred owl has been seen several times in the past week, across the river 
north and west of the HQ building toward dusk. Another barred owl can 
occasionally be seen on either side of CR 11, in the bridge area, just north of 
the Santiago Country Store.  I've seen this bird on my way home from work 
several times in the last month.

With the lengthening days, bald eagles have started to return to the refuge, 
despite the fact that the river is frozen nearly solid.

Betsy Beneke
Sherburne NWR

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