The Prairie's Edge Wildlife Drive is open, but fairly quiet so far.  REMEMBER, 
we're driving clockwise this year!

Some refuge species seen by volunteers and staff so far include:

Lots of ducks, including ruddy, common and red-breasted mergansers.  
(red-breasted just now showing up)
Common Loon
Horned grebe
Great egret
Greater & lesser yellowlegs

Rough-legged hawk.  That dark bird is still being seen near CR's 5 and 9 
intersection.  I have a couple of so-so photos of it, if anyone is interested 
in seeing them.

Eastern phoebe
Common raven (off CR 4 about 1 mile west of Orrock)
Tree and barn swallows
Marsh wren
Hermit & Swainson's thrushes
Brown thrasher
Snow bunting - this morning (Tuesday) at 2.4 miles.  I have a photo.
Orange-crowned, yellow-rumped, palm, yellow and black and white warblers
Eastern towhee
Tree, chipping, clay-colored, field, vesper, savannah, fox, song, Lincoln's, 
swamp, white-crowned and white-throated sparrows.

Betsy Beneke
Sherburne NWR

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