I still had Common Redpolls today in Roseville, a northern suburb of St.
Paul. Today.    

Bob Holtz

-----Original Message-----
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Agassiz
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 6:29 PM
Subject: [mou-net] Audubon Center in Warren

We still have a couple hundred Common Redpolls (and a couple of Hoary
Redpolls)  this week, but I've also seen large numbers of redpolls on the
roads lately - more redpolls than Snow Buntings.  And for the past week
we've been seeing small flocks of Snow Buntings at the impoundment across
the street.  Pine Grosbeaks have disappeared.

Sharptails are dancing on 280th Ave on the west side of the Audubon Center.
I've spotted several small flocks of Prairie Chickens this week - off Hwy 1
near the Radium turn off east of Warren.

I had another report of a (live) Boreal Owl in Holt MN -with a photo of the
bird way up high in a Burr Oak.  And a report of a dead Boreal in Fisher
(east of East Grand Forks).

And I had a big surprise at my sliding glass door this week:  a mink!

Heidi Hughes
Agassiz Audubon Society
27391  190th Street NW
Warren MN  56762


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