A dozen or so of us had a nice walk in the perfect 70 - 75 degree spring 
morning.  We found a total of 62 species.  Highlights included:

8 species of warbler: orange-crowned, yellow-rumped, yellow, American redstart, 
northern waterthrush, Nashville, palm, black-and-white.

American bittern flushed from the reeds near the north viewing platform.  After 
we walked past the bird returned to this area.

Two great horned owlets, one standing on the nest and eyeing us intently, the 
other standing on a limb below the nest flexing its wings.

Plus green heron, sharp-shinned hawk, tree, cliff, and barn swallows, marsh 
wren, ruby-crowned kinglet, white-throated, song, swamp, and American tree 
sparrows, pileated woodpecker, least flycatcher, gray catbird, Forster's tern, 
American kestrel, 9 kinds of duck.

----- Forwarded Message -----
>From: Vic Lewis <azvegas...@gmail.com>
>Sent: Sunday, May 5, 2013 9:31 AM
>Subject: [mou-net] Westwood Birdwalk
>I will have a Birdwalk at Westwood nature Center Tuesday May 7th at 8:15 to 
>11:15 or so!! Roy Zimmerman, Bill Brown Etal will be joining me to provide 
>their expertise ! Everyone is invited no matter your level of birding! Rolls 
>and coffee will be available after! Look forward to seeing you there! Nature 
>center is located in St Louis park at Texas and Franklin! 
>         Spring Migrant
>          Vic Lewis
>Sent from my iPhone
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