I woke to a nice day Saturday and sat down outside, on my patio, with my
ipad and was writing a friend about the birds I saw and heard. I had
Chickadee, Tennessee Warbler, Red Start, White and Red Breasted Nuthatch,
Red Bellied-Downy-Hairy Woodpecker, Goldfinch, House Finch, Robin, House
Sparrow, Crow, Blue Jay, Red Shouldered Hawk, Bald Eagle, Canada Geese,
Mallard, Starling, Chipping Sparrow, Blue Jay, Blue Bird, Catbird, Ruby
Throated Hummingbird, Cedar Waxwing,  and a few unidentified Warblers. I was
kinda romanticizing, telling my friend how so few of us notice all that goes
on around us and how we get caught up in other things. I wrote about the
insects, trees, and even the grass and the weeds and how they all interact.
About the time I was getting lost in the moment I heard a nasty screech
sound. I looked down and there was the Catbird in my cat Molly's mouth. The
bird was struggling, to no avail, and the cat was trying to set its claws in
for a better hold. I jumped up, yelled at the cat and stepped on its tail.
The cat let out a scream, thus, releasing the bird which flew to a near by
bush and chattered. I watched the cat move to a spot on the patio then laid
down swishing its tail showing anger. The cat had a few feathers in its
mouth and a couple fell to the ground. I ended my letter to my friend saying
the bird probably doesn't realize I helped it and that ungrateful, well fed,
fur bearing cat will be getting a bell on its collar. I like my cat but I
need to take every precaution to keep it from killing the birds.

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