I just returned from western Lac Qui Parle county where the waterfowl migration 
is well underway and the shorebird migration is just starting. But no Ruddy 
Friday at Montevideo Minnesota River Bridge 35 American White Pelicans FOY
Saturday morning at Sweetwater WMA, Bolson WPA and Bolland Slough at the 
intersection of county roads 12 and 9
over 2,000 geese, duck and coots including 3 species of merganser (I lost count 
on the ducks and coots after awhile)
Canada Goose  24
Gadwall  9
American Wigeon  5
Mallard 45
Blue-winged Teal  10
Northern Shoveler  13
Green-winged Teal  2
Canvasback 145
Redhead  6
Ring-necked Duck  32
Greater Scaup  9
Lesser Scaup  2
Greater/Lesser Scaup  34
Bufflehead  13
Hooded Merganser  5
Common Merganser  2 FOY
Red-breasted Merganser  6 FOY
Double-crested Cormorant  5 FOY
Bald Eagle  1
American Coot  287 all over Bolland's slough
Red-winged Blackbird  23

Farrell WPA 1 mile south and 1/2 mile west
Canada Goose  14
Gadwall  183 a lot of them
American Wigeon  6
Mallard  54
Northern Shoveler  31
Canvasback  190
Redhead  23
Ring-necked Duck  58
Lesser Scaup  26
Greater/Lesser Scaup  56
Bufflehead  14
Northern Harrier 3
Pied-billed Grebe  6 FOY
Song Sparrow  2

Goodman's slough 5 miles south of 212 SW of co. rd. 7
over 2,000 geese, ducks and coots (I counted)
and the only Goldeneye and Ross's Goose I found

Shakleford's slough 1 mile west and 1/2 mile north of Goodman's slough
Canada Goose  10
Gadwall  12
Mallard  4
Blue-winged Teal  21
Green-winged Teal  10
Redhead  12
Ring-necked Duck  25
Greater Scaup  2
Lesser Scaup  12
Bufflehead  4
Pied-billed Grebe  3
Killdeer  1
Pectoral Sandpiper  11 FOY
Northern Flicker  1
Vesper Sparrow  6 FOY
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)  9

Salt Lake WMA Areas of ice in the middle covered with vegetation this was where 
the shorebirds were
Snow Goose  2000     Lost count after 2000, on the water and ice. The Bald 
Eagle flew over Salt Lake which caused all the geese to call, fly around and 
them leave
Canada Goose  600
Wood Duck  6
Gadwall  75
American Wigeon  12
Mallard  250
Blue-winged Teal  120
Northern Shoveler  540 really a lot of them
Northern Pintail  132 quite a few for W MN
Green-winged Teal  35 
Canvasback  120
Redhead  56
Ring-necked Duck  50
Lesser Scaup  26
Greater/Lesser Scaup  50
Bufflehead  18
Bald Eagle  1
Greater Yellowlegs  4 FOY
Lesser Yellowlegs  12 FOY
Pectoral Sandpiper  53
Herring Gull  1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet  1 FOY
Eastern Phoebe 1
American Tree Sparrow  6
Song Sparrow  3
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)  18
Red-winged Blackbird  34
Western Meadowlark  1 I saw 10 others this one I heard

Prairie Marsh Farm at the feeders on Sunday a 20 mph north wind caused a fall 
out of sparrows, juncos and grackles
Mourning Dove  3
Red-bellied Woodpecker  1
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  2 FOY
Downy Woodpecker  4
Hairy Woodpecker  3
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)  3
Eastern Phoebe  1
Blue Jay  2
Black-capped Chickadee  2
White-breasted Nuthatch  1
American Robin  15
European Starling  6
American Tree Sparrow  15
Chipping Sparrow  2
Vesper Sparrow  2
Fox Sparrow  12
Song Sparrow  7
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)  46
Red-winged Blackbird  7
Common Grackle  91
American Goldfinch  9
House Sparrow  3

Ken Larson

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