After several weeks of my annual daily Grebe counts in Hennepin County on 
Minneapolis Lakes Harriet & Calhoun and observing  strong numbers migrating 
through I hit my highest total this morning of 1660 Horned Grebes counted on 
these 2 lakes.  It was a warm 50 degrees, calm, partially sunny pleasant 
morning with also Red-necked and Eared Grebes (Harriet) observed in the mix.  
Still 14 species of Ducks in good numbers, Bonaparte's, and Franklin's Gulls, 
and Forster's Tern with a pair of Spotted Sandpipers that flew through my field 
of view.  A great morning to be out scoping the lakes that actually felt like 
Spring had finally arrived here, its hard to go inside with the Warblers 
arriving here in the Metro!

Conny Brunell
Richfiled, Hennepin Co.

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