Susan, to answer your questions about fighting the Vikings' decision to
decline putting in bird-safe glass, below is contact information for the
governor and mayor. It seems to me this might be the best way to exert
pressure... after all, they (we!) paid for a big part of the stadium! (I
suspect they pay less attention to email than phone calls or letters.) As
for the Vikings and Sports Facilities Authority, the Audubon form (link
repeated below) goes to both of them... or it shouldn't be hard to find
their address.
<> &id=1717

(Audubon says they have reached 65% of their goal of 65,000 signers, so
birders should get on this...)

Office of the Governor & Lt Governor 
116 Veterans Service Building 
20 W 12th Street 
St. Paul, MN 55155 

Telephone: 651-201-3400

Mayor Betsy Hodges 

350 S. 5th St., Room 331
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Phone: (612) 673-2100


Stephen Greenfield





From: Susan Gilmore [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [mou-net] Vikings stadium rejects bird-friendly glass


Stephen & MOU List:


There has been a lot in the paper lately about the Vikings Stadium and their
bad choice of glass making the windows  a deadly hazard for birds. I have
sent information to friends to sign the Audubon petition, put information on
my Facebook page and written on the Vikings Stadium Facebook page. 


I would love to do more to pressure the right people. Is there a good email
or site to write to the Mayor and the Governor? How about the Vikings
owners? Should the MOU group do something as a group?


Thank you.


Susan Gilmore




On Jul 23, 2014, at 9:22 PM, Stephen Greenfield wrote:


The design for the new Vikings stadium includes massive windows facing
towards the river. National Audubon and other groups had requested that they
use glass that greatly reduces bird collisions, but last week the Vikings
and the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority (MSFA) rejected the
recommendation. Though they have the right to choose this design, it seems
irresponsible to ignore available materials that will reduce the impact on

The following link makes it easy to send an e-mail to the owners to request
or demand that they change course. (I'll also try to find mailing addresses
so the mayor and governor can be copied.)
<> &id=1717>


Stephen Greenfield




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