For anyone who’s interested, there are chimney swifts routinely present around 
the Lake Elmo Elementary School.  It’s an “old fashioned” brick building with a 
chimney.   We volunteer at the Lake Elmo Farmer’s Market every Saturday 
morning, and they are always there.
J Saffle
Lake Elmo

On 7/31/20, 6:05 PM, "Minnesota Birds on behalf of Gordon Andersson" 
<MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU on behalf of> wrote:

    I live in W. 7th neighborhood of St Paul kiddiecorner from a school with a
    tall chimney.  Every summer the CHSW's start chittering and flying around in
    small and large groups beginning about sunset.  On Monday eve I decided to
    count them as they dove down the chimney.  As you know, the most accurate
    count would require a video recording played back in slow motion.  The
    number dropping into the tower accelerates suddenly and then it is over
    except for a few independent spirits.  
    On Monday eve I counted 92 birds.  On Tuesday 142 birds.  Last eve Thursday
    122 birds.  The last count is probably the most accurate with the smallest +
    and -  ranges.  But I think the numbers actually fluctuate each evening
    also.  There might be a rolling average increase before departure for the
    For years Audubon MN conducted a volunteer CHSW count at two times during
    the summer, with a retired volunteer coordinator.   For 40+ years, St Paul
    Audubon Socy had a "warbler weekend" every Mother's Day weekend at Villa
    Maria in Old Frontenac on Miss River.  Every evening Friday and Saturday
    people would count the birds going down the chimney of the 4 story limestone
    block residence.  It was a scheduled event.  
    About 15 years ago, on a weekend, I came back from birding somewhere and
    decided to sit in my bkyard and count the CHSW's.  This was before the AM
    organized count.  As I remember there were 246 or so birds and I sent the
    observation to DNR non-game staff.    
    My thought with these summer tower roosters has been that they were all
    non-breeders.  Since they only appear in the evenings, they could not be
    feeding young in nests in the chimney.  Someone who knows more and has
    actually studied CHSW's might offer some facts.  I was told once that only
    one pair nests in each chimney.  Alternatively, perhaps these birds are
    already swarming,  preparatory to migration to Central America.  a long ways
    to go and if young have already fledged they can head south.  
    This is from CLO    "Unmated swifts continue roosting
    together in the summer, sometimes in large groups. But the species does not
    nest colonially: you'll find only one breeding pair nesting in any one
    chimney. The pair may tolerate other nonbreeders roosting in their chimney."
    This represents a huge number of non-breeders.  CLO does not mention age of
    sexual maturity.  The loss of chimneys has been gradual over time so these
    numbers are not due to a sudden surplus of adult birds from one year to the
    PS   I just read Jim Williams article in the Star Tribune from July 28 on
    Chimney Swifts.  He notes the decline of all four of N America swift
    species, that NAS labels as species of "special concern".  
    St Paul 
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