Hi Missy (and all),

Yesterday morning at Sherburne NWR there were shorebirds at two spots along
the wildlife drive. Among them were a few from your list, should you be
looking to track them down still (such as Least, Semipalmated Sandpipers,
Solitary), plus Pectoral (just one), both Yellowlegs, Snipe, and of course
Killdeer.  And one that is driving me nuts trying to ID. I've got a couple
of bad pictures that are not helping much with that  :)

Anyway, a nice morning there overall with about 80 species but, as Linda
noted in her email yesterday re: Carver Park, I too was expecting some
warbler/songbird movement after the storm the night before, but found
virtually none. Aside from shorebirds, the only definite migrant I found
was an Olive-Sided Flycatcher. Also perhaps of note was a Merlin, which is
listed as "rare" in summer on the refuge's checklist.

Kyle Te Poel
Stillwater Township, MN

On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 3:23 PM Missy Bowen <missybo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
> We were heading to western MN to check out shorebirds for a couple of days,
> but family matters got in the way. My academic work starts next week. I
> still need my shorebird fix, however. I have tomorrow open until
> mid-afternoon, coming from northern Washington County.I will also have more
> travel time the following week, but I am thinking most of the birds I'm
> hoping for will have already left.
> Jirik Sod Farm  in Dakota County looks like a great bet. Any other
> suggestions? Those who bird Jirik: is there any particular spot(s) you
> recommend? I've never been there.
> I'm looking for Baird's, Stilt, Upland, and Buff-breasted sandpipers plus
> both Wilson's and Red-Necked phalaropes for lifers, and for my skimpy
> Covid-year list I'd be happy to see a Semi-palmated, a Solitary (!),or a
> Least (yeah I know!).
> This group provides immeasurable help to a part-time resident like me, who
> has to relearn species every year and limited knowledge of "go-to" places.
> Thank you all!
> Missy Bowen
> Otisville.
> ----
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> Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html
> During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social
> distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.

Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net
Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.

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