On jeudi 12 avril 2012 à 15:21:19 (+0200), clarista wrote:
> Voici le programme que vient de me communiquer Tobias :
> Evening:15:17tbx- We'll officially start at 19:00, maybe with some welcome
> snacks.15:17tbx- At 19:30 one could do a 5-10min presentation about Mozilla
> in generall (You?)15:17tbx- At 19:45 I'd do a presentation about Flicks,
> also showing some example videos. (30min)15:17tbx- At 20:15 One could do a
> technical presentation about e.g. "popcorn.js" - Maybe Ricard? Someone
> else? 20min max I'd say.15:17tbx- At 20:40 we'll start screening videos for
> about 45min and the program is over15:17tbx- Drinks till 22:00.


Deux dernières questions :
⋅ on peut l'annoncer publiquement ?
⋅ comment on s'inscrit ?


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