J'imagine que ceux qui n'étaient pas au courant vont être content, WebMaker en Français :D

-------- Message original --------
Objet: [FR] Web Literacy Map v2.0 community survey
Date: 23.10.2014 16:04
De: Doug Belshaw <d...@mozillafoundation.org>
À: d...@mozillafoundation.org

Hello awesome French-speaking Mozilla Reps!

As you may have seen, we've started work on v2.0 of Mozilla's Web
Literacy Map [1]. Thanks to the community on Transifex, we have a French
translation of it. :-)

Would you consider promoting the survey to your networks? I've included
both the French and English versions below:

        * https://goo.gl/forms/LKNSNrXCnu [2] (en_UK)

        * http://goo.gl/forms/OR1T5gOAnU [3] (fr)

More details and links can be found on the Mozilla wiki:
https://wiki.mozilla.org/Webmaker/WebLiteracyMap/v2 [4]

Very best regards,

Doug Belshaw
Web Literacy Lead
Mozilla Foundation

Current timezone: BST (UTC +1)

http://webmaker.org [5]

http://openbadges.org [6]
http://dougbelshaw.com [7]

[1] https://webmaker.org/resources
[2] https://goo.gl/forms/LKNSNrXCnu
[3] http://goo.gl/forms/OR1T5gOAnU
[4] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Webmaker/WebLiteracyMap/v2
[5] http://webmaker.org
[6] http://openbadges.org
[7] http://dougbelshaw.com

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