Yves Jaradin wrote:
This problem looks similar to the one described (with solution in the thread) in http://www.mozart-oz.org/pipermail/mozart-users/2005/013255.html which was caused by Mac OS X using a (then) bleeding edge version of emacs.

Ah ok. Now I understand better the problem that Orm is having. This error is already fixed in mozart-1.3.2. But this version is not yet available in the Ubuntu repository (only 1.3.1).

1.3.2 is already somewhere in Debian's repositories thanks to Kevin, but I don't know how long does it take to move to the repository of Ubuntu.



Orm Finnendahl wrote:

Am 08. September 2006, 13:25 Uhr (+0200) schrieb Raphael Collet:
Can you please be more precise? What are you doing exactly, and what happens?

I reported that in a previous email: When starting up oz, emacs opens,
the window is split and emacs complains that the *Oz Compiler* buffer
is read-only resulting in an empty *Oz Compiler* buffer window with
the cursor set in the top left corner. It seems emacs can't write into
the buffer as thie error is repeated whenever anything is evaluated in
the Oz buffer. The gtk-window for the Compiler displays everything the
way explained in the tutorial but I would prefer to use the standard
emacs buffer.


I can use the gtk window "Oz Compiler Panel" which works the way
the buffer should work in emacs.
Do you mean the "query" stuff in the compiler panel? The standard way of compiling code in the OPI is to write it in a regular Oz buffer, and to feed the compiler with Feed Buffer/Region/Line/Paragraph in the Oz menu.


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