Wanted to run by some things i think are required
        for the Mozilla address book to cater for organisational
        (LDAP) and '10K' address books i.e. address books
        with so many cards it is not feasible to list all cards.
        o Need attribute that defines if an address book
          is only searchable. This will define organisational
          address books.
          - For 10k address books i think the user needs to
            define this via a preference which states that
            the address book should only be searched.
          - Is an attribute needed to define type so that
            associated icons may be displayed?
        o GUI Search functionality like netscape 4.X and
          the proposed search functionality that was
          described by Josh Harding and suggested by
          Matthew Thomas.
          When a searchable address book is selected
          the 'search bar' should be displayed.
        o The RDF directory data source needs a query
          command that takes as an argument the search
          critera defined as a boolean expression tree.
          - The data source will be responsible for 
            for passing the search arguments to the query
            interface on the RDF directory resource conponent
            and listening to the results which are then
            asserted. Thus it is asynchronous in operation.
            The query command should unassert previously
            returned cards.
          - A general linear search query component is 
            available for directories that do not support
            the query interface. This means that existing
            local address books may also be searched.
        o Offline mode. For organisational address books
          it should be possible to create a local address
          book and copy the cards obtained from the search
          criteria. I don't think a local address book
          needs to be created or modified every time a
          search is performed like 4.X functionality,
          but i am not sure how offline works in general.
        I think we have moved significantly forward to
        enable the functionality to support this behaviour.
        The only area I am unsure about is the GUI bit.
        Any comments?

| ? + ? = To question
   Paul Sandoz

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