Hans Deragon wrote:

> Greetings.
>    I am trying to export my mozilla address book to openldap.  I am new
> to LDAP and do not know too much.  Does anybody have a quick receipe on
> how to do it?
>    I have tried, but failed.  My openldap server is up and running, and
> is, as far as I can tell, properly initialized.  So, I took a snipet of
> the ldif file created from Mozilla 0.9.9 and put it in the file
> oneaddress.ldif.  Here is the content:
> --->
> dn: cn=Hans Deragon,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> objectclass: top
> objectclass: person
> objectclass: organizationalPerson
> objectclass: inetOrgPerson
> givenName: Hans
> sn: Deragon
> cn: Hans Deragon
> xmozillanickname: moi
> xmozillausehtmlmail: false
> modifytimestamp: 0Z
> <---
>    Now when I try to add this entry, here is what I get:
> --->
> [root@world root]# ldapadd -x -W -f b -D "cn=Manager,dc=deragon,dc=biz"
> Enter LDAP Password:
> adding new entry "cn=Hans Deragon,[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> ldap_add: No such object
> ldif_record() = 32
> <---
>    Anybody knows what a "No such object" error is and what can be done
> to correct this?

It means the parent entry does not exist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Or, as I asked earlier, anybody has a direct and quick
> way to convert my mozilla address book into an ldap directory?
> Sincerely,
> Hans Deragon

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