And on the seventh day James Graham spoke:

>>>In the section about changing the target milestone, you state that 
>>>Target Milestone "must not be changed". Does this policy apply to bugs 
>>>with target milestones in the past? 
>> Yes.
>In that case, I would state this explicitly, because a *lot* of people 
>get this wrong.


>>>Additionally, it would be good if every paragraph / list/ etc. had a id 
>>>so that people could be easilly directed to part of the document 
>> Done. But I haven't linked every small sub-chapter from the top, because
>> I want people to see more of the doc on first sight than just the table
>> of contents.
>That's exactly what I had in mind. 

I played a little with the markup and found a way to squeeze this
information into the TOC and still display the first paragraph on a
1024x768 resolution.

Take a look.

Rusty: You scared?
Linus: You suicidal?
Rusty: Only in the morning.
(Ocean's Eleven)
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