Gervase Markham wrote:

This is not a Bugzilla limitation.

I never said it was.

If you want more future target milestones, just ask :-)

They got cut back on purpose, out of a belief that people were mis-targeting too far in the future and really have no business planning more than 3 months in advance. Which is true, but relies on target milestones actually corresponding to the releases; if you just let people use them to sort of order things, it makes sense to have a lot of milestones available in either the past or the future.

Also, priority is generally used for prioritising work (hence the name) rather than TM.

>> It's not fine-grained enough... ;)


Yes. Consider someone who has 100 bugs assigned to him (for whatever reason; say default assignee for a component or just too dumb and weak-willed, like me, to not take bugs and to reassign them to default owners aggressively). Priority gives you a way to put them in 5 bins, in order of how important you think it is for you to work on this bug (at least that's how I tend to use it). Pretty coarse. Frankly, pretty useless.

Priority + TM lets you set 1) How important you think it to work on the bug and 2) The approximate order you want to work on bugs in.

There are plenty of reasons why a P1 bug may end up with a TM of "not right now" or even "future" -- depends on other bugs that need resolving first, requires large changes that can't land for another two months (alpha cycle is done), etc.

So you set TM to put an ordering on your bugs and you use priority to influence this ordering and to decide which of the ordered bugs to work on first....

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