Phillip Helbig---remove CLOTHES to reply wrote:
By default, I see all sizes, shapes and strengths of fonts when the character set is iso-8859-5 but not when it is, say, iso-8859-5. I installed some fonts but that only gave me one size, shape and strength.

That's iso-8859-5 twice... doesn't make sense :).

Another route to the same answer: where is it documented how the information in an HTML page (<STRONG>, <H2>, <EM> or whatever) get translated to a request for a specific font

The CSS 2.1 documentation has information about default font styles and font sizes. But I think things like fallback fonts are handled by the OS... might be wrong though.

and what happens with regard to substitution etc if this font isn't available?

Dunno, it is not specificly defined anywhere, I think.


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