Phillip Helbig---remove CLOTHES to reply wrote on 19/04/2004 07:33:
By default, I see all sizes, shapes and strengths of fonts when the character set is iso-8859-5 but not when it is, say, iso-8859-5. I installed some fonts but that only gave me one size, shape and strength.

What fonts do I need to install so that pages in other character sets behave like iso-8859-5.

Another route to the same answer: where is it documented how the information in an HTML page (<STRONG>, <H2>, <EM> or whatever) get translated to a request for a specific font and what happens with regard to substitution etc if this font isn't available?

I don't think it matters, but I'm using Mozilla on VMS.

I am not 100% sure that is what you are looking for, but maybe. Options->Font&Colors let you set each language code, including, say, Central European, to specific fonts on your machine, including its size.

I hope this helps

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