Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:



> I give up. I'll continue to test Mozilla (just downloaded and installed
> 0.6). (didn't see much improvement. No fix for the hiding of read
> messages), reporting bugs.

0.6 doesn't have a single fix in it that you'll notice.  0.6 is a build 
from the point on the MN6 branch where Netscape released Netscape6.0. 
We made a couple of changes to make it buildable on OS/2 and also added 
a fix for mathML but other than that it should be the exact same code 
that Netscape used to release 6.0.  Please do not file bugs on Mozilla 
0.6 unless you can reproduce them in a current nightly build.  Thanks.


> I see by your comments that as I've  said developers are only interested
> in what devlopers say. And have no interest in what the average end user
> finds wrong. How sad.
> I see Mozilla determined to do away with as much input as possible. So
> as with other subjects I once again seem to be one person trying push
> one mountain over another up hill. :(
> This will be the last in "this thread" from me.

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