At 18:47 18/12/2000 +0100, Peter Lairo wrote:
>you guys just don't get it. Nobody is asking for some all inclusive security
>system. What is merely requested is a simple and convenient way to "hinder"

I don't think anyone is under the misapprehension that you're suggesting 
all inclusive security.  I think that it is the illusion of security that 
is the problem.

>accidental peeping into ones e-mail. This is similar to password protecting an
>excel file or wordperfect document. Simple.

And non-effective.  If you use a password to gain access to your email 
using Mozilla how does this stop searches for text in all files by 
anyone?  It is entirely non-functional except when running Mozilla.  Now 
you can say, 'Oh but that's good enough' and it may well be for you.  But 
for the currently 2 million  other users, rising to a billion, will it 
be?  Or will the extremely public knowledge of 'Oh you can password protect 
things in Mozilla, but you can just read the files normally anyway.  Hey if 
you want to search all the email on your machine just hit F3.', damage the 
reputation of the product as a whole and call into question the integrity 
in other areas?

It is this latter view that concerns people.  The utility of protecting 
files from different users isn't doubted, this just isn't the way to do it.


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