Hi Mozilla-Team!

Is it possible, that you create a project, which creates a non-Java-like
free Virtual-Machine?

I think that the Operating Systems itself are in the future more and
more unimportant. The desktop is the important thing. Look at your
Mozilla and OpenOffice: Both creating programs for the different
Operating Systems. But, there existing a lot of #ifdef 's in it. And the
compiled programs are platform- and hardware-dependent!
And all your Mozilla-code must been new compiled for all Operating
Microsoft have recognized it, and have started theire .NET-strategy.
There is a VM (Virtual Machine), which makes the software
hardware-independent (and if the VM is ported to other systems, it is
platform-independent, too). Microsofts VM, is like the JavaVM, but with
a lot of extensions.
So, it is possible, to create C and C++-compiler for this VM. And
Microsofts VM is faster, then the JavaVM.
A related project, which have a Unix-like API is called ICVM
But Microsofts VM and the ICVM are both _not_ OpenSource. The
ICVM-programmer say on there homepage, that theire VM is it, but thats
not true. The source-code, which they have published is very shrouded.
But the advantage of ICVM is, that it is very fast. Test the
3D-shooter-game DOOM, which they have ported to ICVM. All programs,
which run on theire VM, runs so fast like native-code!

I think, that we need something like this. We need a free VM (best, if
its under the GPL and/or LGPL). I think, that VMs are in the future more
and more important. And if the OpenSource-community don't have an own
VM, we are dependent on proprietary-solutions, too.

We have OpenSource Operating-Systems like Linux, HURD, FreeDOS, AtheOS
(http://www.atheos.cx), and anything else. But if in the future, the
most programs are written for VMs, and the OpenSource-community have no
VM, than we have the same problem, like in Microsoft best days: To run
the programs we need a fundamental program (program, on which other
programs are based), which is proprietary.
But I think, that _all_ fundamental programs must been free. So, we need
a free and open VM.


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