> <sigh> No, it isn't a web browser :-) If you want a web browser, check out
> Galeon, KMeleon or SkipStone.
> Gerv

Don't even start with the 'it's a development environment' line or the 'it's
a suite of application development tools'. Mozilla is a web browser, maybe
you should read you the  fucking page www.mozilla.org . It seems that
mozilla only morphed into being something other than  a web browser when
developers realised that they could never get mozilla to work as a browser
in a reasonable time frame

Also, mozilla is component based, so why don't some mozilla developers put
aside some development time and actually try and just build a browser using
Gecko. Would that have anything to do with the fact that Gecko is a sluggish
piece of shit too. All this bullshit, but what mozilla developers will never
admit is that the code with which they are working is fundamentally flawed.

Currently Gecko based efforts that you mention are all slow as hell, and
have similar bloat problems to mozilla. Why can't we just have a little
honesty from the mozilla developers, rather than have them pretend that
everything is great and progress is being made.

Developers don't seem interested in looking at bugs, however servere they
may be, there seems to be this 'someone else will fix it attitude'. Instead
of pissing about with refining superfluous features, why not instead start
systematically going through mozilla's major bugs and memory leaks.

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