
The pages I have in mind are in Bulgarian,
but I think that it will be clear what I
mean even if you don't know the language.

http://www.dir.bg/   and   http://www-us.capital.bg/
The cyrillic letters are over-large in M 0.7,
and the spacing is wrong. Netscape 4.7* shows
them correctly.

I am really hesitant to call it a bug and to
report it. Maybe, the pages break some standards?
Since my knowlegde of WWW standards is minimal,
I ask someone more knowledgable for an opinion:
is it a fault of Mozilla, or the Web designers?

I asked here the same question about M 0.6
(that was before 0.7).  Someone told me that
the nightly builds - as opposed to 0.6 - 
don't have the problem. I did not report a
bug, therefore. Now I really wonder, if some
builds between 0.6 and 0.7 were OK, how come
the problem resurrects?

Thanks a lot for any suggestion. That issue
aside, M 0.7 is great. Thanks!

Minko Markov
Victoria, BC, Canada

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