Micah Harwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > http://www.dir.bg/   and   http://www-us.capital.bg/
> > The cyrillic letters are over-large in M 0.7,
> > and the spacing is wrong. Netscape 4.7* shows
> > them correctly.
> By "over-large", do you mean the letters are really big, or only
> slightly larger? 

OK, you can say "slightly" larger, not 24pt or anything, :)
but they still look wrong. The huge spaces between them are
much more annoying, however. For example, at http://www-us.capital.bg ,
at the very top line, there is an English word, "Advertising",
which looks good. Compared to the cyrillic text around,
I would say the difference is 3 or 4 pts in height. Plus,
the space between two cyrillic letters is huge, it is enough
to fit another letter in. The strange thing is that one or
two screens down (on a 1024x768 screen, Mozilla maximized),
the cyrillic text (hyperlinks to articles) looks OK.
That's how everything on the page should look like.

> I don't know why this is, but I ran into this same issue when
> designing my site. Netscape 4.x displays text smaller I guess. Note
> that IE also renders the text in the larger size.

It is true that Netscape displays some pages in a barely readable way.
But in this case there is something wrong, either the page design or
Mozilla. I mean, the "bad" characters even overlap a little the borders
of the regions around. Can't believe that it is so under IE.
And the spacing between the letters...

> When I first looked at the page, it appeared normal.

Then we are seeing different things.

BTW, I just tried the option "Always use my font settings...",
and now the page looks correct! But this is not a good solution,
the page should look good with dynamic fonts as well.

Minko Markov

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