try backing up and then deleting these files (one by one):

1. prefs.js,
2. registry.dat
3. mozregistry.dat
4. mozver.dat

*NaNcY* wrote:

> I have been using the stand alone Browser for Netscape for as long as
> it has been around.  Suddenly I started having a problem with it.
> When I'd try to open it, I'll get the opening screen, then it will
> immediately shut down.  This started happening after I downloaded and
> installed Netscape 6.  I took Netscape 6 off my computer, but that
> didn't help.  At the time my computer was suffering from a Kras virus,
> which ended up with me reformatting my hard drive.  Netscape worked
> fine.  Then I was tempted to try the Mozilla 7 nightlies.  Mozilla
> acted up immediately and upon opening it, I'd get the opening screen,
> which would freeze.  The only way to close it was to alt-ctrl-del.  I
> uninstalled Mozilla, and weeks later, Netscape is acting the same
> bizarre way, only showing the opening screen then immediately closing.
> I really prefer using Netscape over MIE, but at the moment that is all
> I can use.  I can't stand MIE, but what can I do?  HELP?



Peter Lairo

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