Okay, okay. I'm sorry. You deserve the title.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:

> Actually in the case of CET's you can't take the Journeyman level test,
> until you have 2 years experience in trade your taking the Test.
> The exam is two part.
> 75 on Basic Electronics (Theory)
> 75 Journeyman level Test (based on knowledge of the field to which you
> work). 
> Some of the Journeyman test are:
> "Consumer Electronics" (Radio/Tv/Stereo/DVD/HDTV)
> "Computer"  (Equivalent to the A+ exam for Computer Technicians)
> "Communications" (It and 25 question Rules exam is equivalent to 2ND
> Class FCC exam which allow work on Two - way Communications equipment)
> "Radar" (taking this test makes it eaier for Radar Technicians to get
> jobs in the Airline industry)
> While you may or may not be impressed with Titles. CET is not to be
> taken lightly.
> On the other hand When I worked as the sole Electronics Technician for a
> 25 - school, school system; I ran into many Phd's that although they had
> plenty of book knowledge; they had the common sense of a turnip.
> I did run into some though that didn't put up pretenses, didn't stick
> their noses in the air, and look down on the masses, and had plenty of
> Common sense.
> Most CET's after they pass the exam use the title after their name, it tradition.
> Robert Ennis wrote:
>> I mean, with due respect all around, I operate in a world of eBiz and IT
>> and there are so many "certified" techs of all description running
>> around that it's a joke. None of them, I might add, adds the title to
>> his/her name. Certification is not like a PHD. It's about learning what
>> you can from a few books and taking a test. I know this because I'm
>> involved in the process. There is no social or academic status attached
>> to it.
>> But the guy uses a middle initial too. So it kind of adds up doesn't it?
>> Duke Ellington wrote:
>>> In netscape.public.mozilla.general the people heard Robert Ennis say
>>> these wise words:
>>>> I'm much more impressed with your title, Duke. Certified techs are a
>>>> dime a dozen and adding the letters to a name is kind of laughable. But
>>>> a Duke is something else...
>>> <grin>
>>> seeya.
>>> The Duke

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